
5 Ways To Protect WordPress From Hacking

5 Ways To Protect WordPress From Hacking

5 Ways To Protect WordPress From Hacking

WordPress is among the most well-known CMSs for content management (CMS). This is why it’s crucial to be aware of WordPress hacking.

In statistics, it is estimated that over 33 percent of websites use WordPress.

This isn’t a “one size is all” overview since there are many methods to safeguard WordPress from hackers. We at Sucuri certainly support studying and developing fundamental security principles.

Here are some helpful tips for guarding your website against WordPress hacks.

1 - Use strong passwords & management

Many WordPress websites have been hacked because hackers can identify the website’s credentials. This is known as “brute-force attacks.” The chances of being affected by brute-force attacks are significantly reduced when you have secure passwords.

Making complex and challenging passwords is an excellent option to avoid this happening. Many applications and services require usernames and passwords like the wp-admin logins and databases, FTP/sFTP, etc. It isn’t easy even to consider how to keep track of dozens of passwords without noting them down or using the same password across all of them (neither one of these is suggested).

You can utilize an online password manager to store and protect passwords. There are several options for password managers, the one we suggest would be LastPass.

LastPass can be described as an extension or app that creates and keeps your passwords so you don’t need to remember them. It can even notify you when some passwords you have are too fragile.

You can view this brief video tutorial on how to create an extremely secure password:

5 Ways To Protect WordPress From Hacking

2 - Utilize to apply the principle of the least privilege

Do not delegate access to developers or users you aren’t sure of. If you have to allow access, be sure to limit it. Give the most miniature set of appropriate privileges for each user’s task. When their task is completed, it is highly suggested that you block access to them immediately. This is what happens behind the concept of the least privilege.

Here’s a quick phrase that summarizes the issue most effectively:

“There are only two people I trust: you and me – and I’m not certain of you.” -Shon Harris, CISSP Boxed Set Shon Harris CISSP boxed Set The Second Edition

3 - Make sure to keep WordPress plugins safe and updated

WordPress, at its heart, is securethanks to the developers that regularly make updates to the CMS and large communities that aid in further securing the CMS by publishing plugins to aid in this process. Installing too many plugins without knowing they’re secure could cause WordPress security vulnerabilities or even your WordPress website to be compromised.

The WordPress community is built around WordPress and is entirely open source, which means that everybody can access the code and content of themes and plugins. If you’re looking for plugin security, We have held a webinar about determining if a WordPress plugin is safe.

Consider each plugin you install as an additional entrance point to your WordPress website. If you’ve got the most effective security techniques only applied to the back and front doors. Still, you don’t think about security for the side entrances. You’re essentially encouraging hackers to attack these areas as well.

While installing specific plugins can aid in completing certain tasks and can even provide an exciting and attractive feature to your WordPress site, the truth is that these plugins could be utilized against your site. This is a recent vulnerability in the WordPress Live Chat Plugin.

This video will explain how important it is to keep all the information on your website up-to-date:

4 - Apply a WordPress hardening technique

You can apply techniques for hardening to protect WordPress from being hacked like:

  • By adding additional rules to allow or deny access through the .htaccess file,
  • Limiting login URLs to a specific IP range(s),
  • Security of your WordPress-config file
  • Blocking is a term used to describe
  • Stopping hotlinking of images and stopping directory browsing
  • Not logging into public WiFi or using a VPN for public WiFi.
  • The deletion of unneeded WordPress plugins as well as files
  • Maintaining your server’s cleanliness.

Most firewalls for websites apply these strategies by default.

5 - Avoid a WordPress attack with a site firewall

In 2018, of all the websites that Sucuri hacked collaborated with, WordPress was responsible for more than 90 percent of the CMSs that were hacked.

Platform Distribution of Infected Websites

The most frequent issue we come on frequently is that WordPress users may not be able to upgrade the WordPress version because of problems with themes or plugins. This leaves the WordPress website vulnerable to hackers.

In these situations, we suggest enabling a WordPress firewall that can patch your site.

An excellent way to secure you and your WordPress website from being hacked is to enable the Internet Application Firewall (WAF).

A WAF is an intermediary for all visitors to your site, filters out unwanted requests (hack attempts or exploits, DoS, etc.), and allows legitimate requests to pass through.

What is the process for a website? Application Firewall (WAF) Works

The WordPress firewall

  • Stops future hacks by identifying and preventing known hacking methods and practices to ensure that your WordPress website is secure from infections from the beginning.
  • Updates the security of WordPress with a virtual update. Hackers are quick to exploit weaknesses in WordPress themes and plugins. A strong firewall for your website will fix any holes in your WordPress software, even without security updates.
  • Blocks brute force attacks. A WordPress firewall can block unwelcome visitors from accessing the WordPress-admin or your wp-login page and then use brute force automated techniques to figure out your password.
  • It helps to stop Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which aim to overburden servers or applications’ resources. By identifying and preventing DDoS attacks, WAF WAF ensures that the WordPress website is accessible even when an excessive amount attacks with fake visitors.
  • Improves WordPress performance. Most firewalls on websites allow you to cache your site for faster pages across the globe to ensure that your visitors are satisfied and reduce bounce rates while increasing website engagement, conversions, and search engine ranking.

This WordPress firewall Sucuri provides a cloud-based WAF that blocks and stops attacks and hacks. Additionally, it improves the speed of your website by using Sucuri’s Content Delivery Network (CDN). It is not required to install anything. With a simple switching on your DNS Record, it’s activated.

The video above will show how to protect your website using a firewall.

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