
Backlink Your YouTube Videos

Backlink your YouTube videos

Backlink Your YouTube Videos

You probably already know YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world. YouTube is also owned by Google, as you probably already know. You probably also know that Google owns YouTube. However, with the right strategy, you can backlink your YouTube videos to get higher rankings on search engines.

Google uses more than 200 elements to rank websites. Backlinks are at the top. Google will show you more results for search queries if you have more relevant backlinks.

It’s easy to learn how things work. It helps. Learning about search engine optimization (SEO) and how to use backlinks is worth knowing. This will help you improve your link’s ranking on search engine results pages.

This guide will guide you learn how to link YouTube videos.

Backlink your YouTube videos

What's a backlink?

A backlink is simply a link from another website that leads visitors to yours. Search engines can see that a backlink linking to your page is relevant and essential. This can help you rank higher in search results.

It’s like sharing a link with your friends. This is a personal recommendation of content to someone who might be interested. Google will consider a website sharing a link to a blog or video as the same thing. This “recommendation,” depending on the website, can be regarded as high-value to search engines.

But not all backlinks can be created equal.

We’ll discuss key differences in how to backlink YouTube videos in the next section.


Backlinks can be classified into two types of SEO backlinks: dofollow and nofollow. Dofollow links can improve your search engine rankings while Nofollow links do not.

These links are fed to Google and other SERPs by their algorithms to determine rank value.

According to Google, follow links are the only ones considered worthy of being ranked.

This is why you should have as many dofollow hyperlinks as possible when link-building.

Google established this distinction back in 2005 to stop unfavorable links building practices.

WordPress and other CMS software automatically add the no follow tag for comment links. If this is your first time hearing regarding a nofollow tag, you can be sure that spam-related comments you see won’t receive any SEO benefits.

Link Building for Social Media

It is determined whether a link you create through social media platforms is a dofollow or nonfollow link. They will most likely be nofollow links.

However, nofollow links are still valuable even though they don’t directly benefit from their Google position.

Nofollow links can still bring traffic. That’s why you want to be on Google’s first page. This is how web developers tell search engine bots that it’s a user-generated hyperlink.

How can you check if your hyperlinks are dofollow or nofollow

Click on the link to prevent it. Then click on “View page source” If it is not listed in the HTML, it means that the connection is nofollow. If not, the link will be considered dofollow.

Why YouTube videos should be backlinked

Link building and brand awareness are closely linked in today’s marketing and SEO world, especially when it comes to video content.

A great content marketing strategy can help you get many backlinks quickly.

Using video analytics to measure incoming traffic

A higher percentage of “external traffic” increases search engines’ credibility for your videos.

You will eventually see more organic search traffic to your videos. YouTube wants its users to remain on the platform.

YouTube and Google will reward anything that attracts people to your site and keeps them there.

How do you backlink YouTube videos?

Before you can build backlinks actively, you must understand why they are ethical.

Google will punish anyone who cheats the system and protects its rankings.

Because they constantly crawl and catalog pages, their systems can tell if a website doesn’t follow the rules. Their algorithm determines what a natural and unnatural backlink profile looks like.

Let’s take, for example, that you get 10,000 links to your video in one day and only two or three more over the next few days. As time passes, your website suddenly gains an additional 2,000 links per month. Google will flag this suspicious behavior.

You’ll likely annoy people if you spam your video link where it’s not needed.

Also, if your backlink isn’t related to the video, it won’t be of any value.

You can link your content to places that will attract viewers who are interested in it. It’s not only SEO, but it will also affect the watch time. If viewers don’t view the entire video, YouTube will report that the video is “junk.”

Let’s take a look at five different ways to backlink YouTube videos.

1. Collaborations

Everyone on YouTube in 2010 knows the value of an excellent old-fashioned collaborative video. YouTube is still alive for collaborations. Reach out to other creator’s in your niche to guest post.

REI’s YouTube channel collaborates with other influencers to create content using their products. This is a great example. This brand has hundreds of thousands of YouTube subscribers. Collaboration on videos adds a personal touch to the brand and boosts SEO traffic to the influencers’ private channels.

This is a way to attract potential visitors that wouldn’t usually be able to access your content. This allows you to draw additional views from another creator, which could lead to new subscribers or continued visitors.

2. Add YouTube videos to your site and other websites related to it

Although embedding YouTube videos to your website doesn’t constitute “link building,” you can improve your video’s SEO while still gaining views. This is still true even if users don’t view the video on YouTube.

If you have a YouTube product demo video, you can embed it on a related webpage on your website. This will increase your viewership and engagement by allowing people to view the video whenever they visit your website. This tells Google that the video is relevant to the website content and should be ranked higher.

3. Use social media to share

If you are familiar with content strategy, promoting your videos via social media should be easy. Social media platforms can significantly impact how your YouTube videos perform and engage with their audience. These are some of the most popular social media platforms:

  • TikTok
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Reddit

Your video will generate organic backlinks if more people share it. If you want to build backlinks, it is essential to be active on social media.

Your video will generate organic backlinks if more people share it. If you want to build backlinks, it is essential to be active on social media.

Keep this in mind as you ask the following questions.

  • Have you ever audited your social media processes?
  • Are you getting the results you zeal from your social media posts?
  • Is there a platform you don’t post to?

Pinterest, for example, is a popular social media platform with more than 433 million active users. There may be other places you think of when sharing YouTube videos.

Pinterest Video Pins are a great way to backlink YouTube videos.

They are used in user feeds and help to attract and retain your audience’s attention by creating a cover image. IntentJet offers a variety of templates and tools that can be used to create a unique cover image.

This process can be automated using sites such as No need to crop, resize, or publish your video to every social media account. Instead, it can be set up to take place after the video goes live on YouTube automatically.

4. Each video deserves a blog post.

You can embed backlinks to YouTube videos in your blog content, similar to embeds. You can create and optimize the video for YouTube and curate written content.

Blog posts can be helpful, informative, and even entertaining, no matter what industry they are in. This content is valuable and actionable. A blog post is worth the effort to create a video about anything worth it.

Tip: Summarize the key points of your video and then write about them. This works well, as short videos tend to get the most engagement. Your summary can be posted on YouTube with a link to the expanded version.

5. Forums for answering questions and Q&A websites

Reddit and Quora are forums that allow members to discuss specific industries or niches online. These forums allow members to voice their opinions and provide clarifications on topics. These forums will enable you to post links that support your arguments and answer your questions. This makes them ideal for your YouTube video links.

You can get high views from Q&A sites, and not only that, but you also get high-quality ideas. If they don’t, the people who watch your video will likely watch it most of the time to learn more about that topic.

This tip can be reverse-engineered by using websites like to create content that fills knowledge gaps. Create a video to answer those questions if you have the knowledge and skills. You’re now in backlink country, baby.

You still need to finish!

You’ve now learned how to link your YouTube videos. But don’t stop there. Using all the information in this article post, you will find that your YouTube channel is great for backlinks. There are many places where you can add them to increase traffic and your website’s score on backlinks.

Backlink to your channel

Let’s begin with the channel banner. You must include a link to your website and most popular social media sites in the channel description. Next, add any relevant links in your About section.

Add links to the YouTube video.

The video’s actual content, which starts with the description, is next. A link within the first line of the narrative is valuable because it will be visible above the fold when someone watches the video on YouTube. This allows them to view the link without having to expand it.

We have then the YouTube cards and the end screens. Cards allow you to add clickable content to the video while it is playing. This could be:

  • Playlists
  • Other videos
  • Surveys
  • Other websites may be linked

End screens look like cards because they appear at the end. These screens can be used to link to other videos or playlists, channel links, and to add links to a customized URL.

You must be accepted to add clickable custom links to YouTube’s Partner Program. Also, you will need to confirm that the website you are linking to is yours.

You must have at least 4,000 hours of video per month and at least 1000 subscribers to join the Partner Program.

Links you include will also have SEO power, as they come from websites with the highest domain authority.

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